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The explosive and sometimes reckless exploitation of Rontgen and Becquerel's discoveries produced medical technologies that dramatically added to the diagnostic and therapeutic tools available to physicians. But the consequences for some of the pioneers were dreadful and it took decades to understand and control them. Later, the exploitation of discoveries of nuclear physics led, from the 1940s, to nuclear weapons and nuclear power with overwhelming potential for harm. More..
Genes, Flies, Bombs and a Better Life is not just a brief biography of America geneticist Hermann Muller but a history of how the ideas he inherited, supported and originated subsequently evolved and flowered or foundered. More..
Born in Sale in Cheshire in 1899, the wayward daughter of a well-off Manchester butcher, Win Brown became an outstanding sportswoman and aviator. She played hockey and ice hockey (although she could hardly skate) for England and was a low-handicap golfer. She took up flying and, in 1930, she was the first (and last) woman to win the prestigious King’s Cup Air Race around England.  More...
A re-publishing of Winifred's classic account of her voyages with Ron Adams to Norway and Spitsbergen just before the Second World War. More...
Winifred takes a holiday from flying and goes up the Amazon with her mother and companion Ron Adams in 1933. A comfortable ocean cruise turns into an adventure on a river boat through a war zone and then a paddle in a canoe through dense and dangerous jungle. Previously unpublished, a gem of its time in Win’s inimitable style. More...
The story of the ever-popular Topper dinghy. More...
Abaft to Zeitgeist is primarily a book for intermediate cruising sailors. That is to say sailors who already know that the front of a boat is called the bow and the back is the stern but are still slightly unsure, under duress, which side is port and which starboard. You may not mind broadcasting this by wearing those shoes with red on the left one and green on the right or having different coloured jib sheets on either side. However, you probably recognise that you must move on and, if so, this is just the book for you. More...



This is primarily a book for intermediate cruising sailors. That is to say sailors who already know that the front of a boat is called the bow and the back is the stern but are still slightly unsure, under duress, which side is port and which starboard. You may not mind broadcasting this by wearing those shoes with red on the left one and green on the right or having different coloured jib sheets on either side. However, you probably recognise that you must move on and, if so, this is just the book for you.

Not only will it clear up once and for all the port/starboard question but it will introduce you to new ideas like larboard, baggywrinkle, granny bars and gribble. It will also guide you on, for example, when it is appropriate (and even expected) to comment publicly on the shortcomings of other members of the crew and when it is right to insult the helmsman. You will also be introduced to some of the iconic figures of sailing: Bill Tilman, Blondie Haslar and Hiroshi Aoki are all here to improve your confidence in those late-night discussions at the bar.

If you are absolutely certain about the names of the sides of the boat then you are surely an advanced sailor and could believe that you would be wasting your time reading on. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only are there helpful hints on the CollRegs (you’ll come across them eventually) but you will find some more abstruse topics like schadenfreude, hubris, batteries, the Royal Yacht Squadron and the French.

Published for us by Lulu.com ISBN 978-1-4466-4238-2